SAI FuelCell

It controls the parameters of an operating fuel cell and performs experiments.


FuelCell is designed to control or monitor all of the parameters of an operating fuel cell and perform a wide variety of experiments.

It is technology independent and may also be used with DMFC, PAFC, MCFC, or SOFC type fuel cells.

Scribner Associates high-performance Fuel Cell Test Systems are designed to meet all of your research and development needs. Low resistance electronic loads, coupled with the FuelCell software package, allow precise computer control and monitoring of all operation parameters.

FuelCell is an easy-to-learn software package for use with the Scribner Associates Series 850 and 890 Fuel Cell Test Systems.


- Current
- Voltage
- Power
- Mass Flow, Temperature, and Humidity

- Data vs. Time
- Current Density
- iR Losses and Tafel slope
- MEA Resistance
- Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
- Long-Term Performance and Durability Testing
- Supports Windows 2000, XP and Vista
- Setup and control all features of the Scribner Associates fuel cell test equipment
- Control the purge and fuel gas streams
- Control fuel cell temperature and reactant humidification
- Scale fuel cell parameters for area, current, voltage, power, and number of cells
- Apply and control a current, voltage, or power load on the fuel cell under test
- Monitor performance over a wide range of time intervals
- Display data using a wide variety of axis formats
- Assess fuel cell performance through cell resistance and Tafel slope measurement
- Apply a controlled load sequence to a cell to simulate varying operating conditions

This program received 1 award
Scribner Associates, Inc.
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